Those of you who have followed this page and podcast for a while know that I am very interested in how we can all fit advocacy about clean air and climate action into our regular lives. This affects everyone, but I’ve found it has become an even bigger challenge after I became a parent.
It can also be very challenging to communicate about something that seems invisible, namely the air we breathe, and how it can affect our communities. I’ve come to admire Mom’s Clean Air Force and EcoMadres, which help parents and and others from all backgrounds channel their concern about clean air and the climate into organized group action. I hope you take a moment to listen to the podcast for today’s post, and that it inspires you to take even a small step in your own community.

Ylenia Aguilar shares her story from undocumented immigrant to tireless advocate for clean air and climate action. She shares important approaches to accepting our own imperfections, navigating important work while we are busy, and the joy we can all feel by adding our own “granito de arena” or grain of sand to tip the scale for a better climate future.
I appreciated how real this conversation was. Air pollution affects all of our health- it was tragic to hear about that her never-smoking father has lung cancer- we know that PM2.5, a form of air pollution that has been present in high concentrations in Mexico City, can cause lung cancer. Many people grow up in environments that can cause health problems such as cancer, asthma, and more. That risk often falls heaviest on vulnerable communities, such as the immigrant communities from which Ylenia came. I often find the journeys of immigrants inspiring, and Ylenia’s story of drawing on her roots and working to build a better world for herself and her kids certainly resonates. I share her view that everyone putting in their own “granito de arena” or “grain of sand” can tip the scales in favor of a better future for all of us.

So what can you do?
1- If you’re inspired to get involved, listen to the “Clean Air and Climate Advocacy for Busy People” episode from earlier this season.
2- To learn more about the new PM2.5 standard and to see a great picture of Mom’s Clean Air Force and EcoMadres with the EPA Administrator, check out the “Bonus Episode! Good News for Clean Air!” from February of this year.
3- To learn more about the importance of cleaning up school buses, listen to the “Healthy Buses = Health & Smart Kids” episode from Season One of the podcast.
4- Consider joining a local Moms Clean Air Force or EcoMadres chapter, or consider a donation to the organization to keep supporting the work of Ylenia and others like her.
Images from Moms Clean Air Force