Big Tobacco has a long history of targeting the military, from including tobacco in basic field rations to targeting military recruits and veterans as “downscale” with less education and “limited job prospects,” and therefore ideal targets for tobacco addiction. You can read RJ Reynold’s internal documents using that language here. They obviously had great respect for their victims, ahem, clients.

Brandy Carpenter was serving in Afghanistan when she received word via the Red Cross that she was about to be made an orphan by Big Tobacco. Join us in a discussion on the podcast about how this changed her life. Brandy now serves in our Army reserves and works as a nurse practitioner and a tobacco treatment specialist in a lung cancer screening program. She shares her own story and her wisdom about how to break individuals and our society free of tobacco, and what we can do as a state and a community to help. The next time someone asks you to support the troops, ask them what they’re doing to help get Big Tobacco out of our country. It has killed more Americans than any war.

She also shared the following amazing list of resources with me to help you or your loved one quit smoking.
Twitchy Airways Club Members- If you smoke, work your way through these resources until you find a way to quit! You can do it!
Considerations that will help you be successful in attempting to quit:
- Do not keep tobacco on you (in the home, in the car, etc). The temptation of having tobacco easily available may hinder your attempt because of how easy you can access it.
- Plan your quit- identify your paired behaviors (coffee and smoking, driving and smoking, eating and smoking, etc) and have a plan before you quit on how you will handle those situations. If you fail to plan- you plan to fail.
- Avoid second hand smoke and avoid hang out with those who are actively smoking.
- Tell your friends and loved ones of your current quit attempt to garner support during the quit attempt. You will be surprised how far this can go in your recovery from tobacco addiction.
- Recommendations for trigger management (5D’s of trigger management) includes Distraction (keeping busy, etc), Delaying the craving, Deep breathing, Drinking plenty of water and carrying a water bottle everywhere you go (if allowed by your PCP), and Discussing your quit with friends and family.
Telephone Quit line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) (can sometimes provide free nicotine replacement therapy)
National Cancer Institute’s quit line (offered in English and Spanish) at 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848).
Freedom from Smoking from the American Lung Association (can send you free quit guide): 1-800-LUNGUSA or http://www.freedomfromsmoking.org/
Freedom from Smoking support groups offered at Good Samaritan hospital- Offers FREE 8 week sessions starting every two months- for more information or to register, call 503-413-6723
Nicotine Anonymous- to locate a meeting: https://nicotine-anonymous.org/find-a-meeting.html
Book: “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking” by Allen Carr https://www.allencarr.com/usa/ or book is available on Amazon
Online community- discussion group for those trying to quit: https://www.inspire.com/groups/freedom-from-smoking/
Online chat resource: https://smokefree.gov/tools-tips/speak-expert or https://quitnet.meyouhealth.com/#/
To create a quit plan: https://smokefree.gov/build-your-quit-plan
Mindfulness smoking cessation program: https://www.cravingtoquit.com
Known quit smoking websites for resources:
Oregon Residents: https://www.quitnow.net/oregon/
Washington residents: www.quitline.com
Veterans: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/smoking/
Asian quit line: www.asiansmokersquitline.org
Known mobile phone quit applications:
All patients: Easy Quit stop smoking, LiveStrong My Quit Coach, Quit Smoking: Cessation Nation, Craving to Quit!, Quit it, Quit now!, Smoke Free, Kwit, Quit Smoking – Butt Out
Washington residents: 2morrowquit
Record a question or comment on the Anchor podcast site or send an e-mail via the website.
References this page:
Big Tobacco targeting military summary- Marine Corps Community Service –
RJ Reynold’s Military YAS Initiative- full document here